Connecting Authority Documents to their AD Lists

Short Description: This connects the Authority Document Lists to the individual Authority Documents.

This object is comprised of the following simple objects:

Name Object Category Object Type Nullable Description
_href JSON Reference URL 0

The URL to request that document from the API.

id CCH Structure integer 0

ID of the record.

date_created Content date 0

The date the record was created.

time_created UCF Structure string

The date and time the record was created.

check_digit CCH Structure integer 0

We humans have to use numbers. However, when entering numbers, we humans also have a tendency to screw up the entry or copying of those numbers. A Dutch mathematician named Jacobus Verhoeff conducted a study of 12,000 numerical errors J. Verhoeff, Error Detecting Decimal Codes, Mathematical Centre Tract 29, The Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam, 1969, cited in Wagner and Putter, "Error Detecting Decimal Digits", CACM, Vol 32, No. 1 (January 1989), pp. 106-110. and from that, proposed a check digit calculation scheme that catches all single errors as well as all adjacent transpositions and most other errors.

To ensure that the IDs assigned by the system have integrity during input as well as distribution while being transferred into various formats (such as Excel, Word, Text, XML), each ID will also have its own checksum value stored in a checksum field.

Currently, the methodology for creating and verifying the checksum follows the Verhoeff calculation format.

The CheckDigit is created along with the record's ID as a calculation by the UCF database system. As such, once assigned it should never change because the ID will never change. A sample calculation format is shown in the use case scenarios. UCF Structure Integer

ID of the associated authority document for this record.

authority_document._href JSON Reference URL 0

URL to get this record's authority document information.

ad_list._href JSON Reference URL

The URL to request that list from the API. CCH Structure integer

ID of the record.

Use Cases

You’ve now got your lists of groups, initiatives, users, and Authority Document lists. It’s now time to fill out those Authority Document lists with Authority Documents.

Because an Authority Document can be in more than one list, you’ll first need to populate the ad-list-to-authority-documents join table. This table has been created for you and you can get this information in a single call.

The structure you’ll need to have is shown below:

  1. This table should already exist as it is populated with the my-account JSON call.
  2. This is the table you’ll be populating now.
  3. The next step will be to cycle through all of the Authority Document lists and create records for each individual Authority Document.